As Co-Chairs of the 2024 International Congress on Obesity (ICO), we are honored to invite you to join us in São Paulo on June 26-29, 2024.
This prestigious Congress is organized by the World Obesity Federation, which has a long history of promoting research, education and collaboration in the field of obesity.
The International Congress on Obesity has been a key platform for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and innovation in the area of obesity for over four de-cades.
This congress has attracted leading experts, researchers and policymakers from around the world to discuss and address the growing global obesity epidemic.
The 2024 ICO in São Paulo is expected to be a dynamic, informative event, featuring a wide range of speakers, and a comprehensive scientific program with
innovative topics and panel discussions, including the latest advances in obesity research, prevention strategies, clinical treatment and public health policies.
By attending the ICO, you will have a unique opportunity to connect with professionals from around the world, share your
experiences and learn from leading experts in the field. Your participation will contribute towards a global effort to better
understand, prevent and treat obesity, and thus improve the lives of millions of people affected by this condition Around the world.
We hope you will join us in São Paulo for the International Congress on Obesity, and we look forward to welcoming you to this gathering of the world’s leading experts in the fight against obesity.
See you soon!
President, ICO 2024
President, World Obesity Federation
Co-Chairs of the 2024 International Congress on Obesity
R. Frei Caneca, 569 - Bela Vista,
São Paulo - SP, 01307-001